

MEGA GUARD SA have spe­cial autho­ri­sa­tion from the Greek Police ( Under Law 251897) with No 3015/​39/​60/​1264-​ie’ registry
MEGA GUARD SA uses spe­cial approved uni­form for the secu­rity guard per­sonel which has been approved with the No456/65958a/14.12.2007 reg­istry APPROVAL the use of a SPE­CIALUNI­FORM from Greek Defence Ministry
MEGA GUARD SA applies sys­tem of qual­ity man­age­ment ISO-​9001: 2008 as also applies sys­tem of Man­age­ment for Health and Safety in the work accord­ing to the ELOT 1801/​OSHAS 18001:2007 standart.

MEGA GUARD SA for the cover of her cus­tomers have insur­ance con­tract of urban respon­si­bil­ity and urban respon­si­bil­ity of employer

height of 10.000.000,00 EURO and insur­ance con­tracr for mis­takes and omis­sions height of1.250.000,00 EURO of the recog­nised insur­ance com­pany ERGO
MEGA GUARD SA is from the min­i­mal com­pa­nies who have aproval autho­ri­sa­tion from the Greek Defence Min­istry accord­ing to the Reg­u­la­tion of Indus­trial Safety (EKVATOPSECRETNATO SECRET) F.120/1/136775/S.486 (OFFI­CIAL JOUR­NAL OF THE HEL­LENIC REPUB­LIC336/16.3.2005) and has cer­ti­fied her per­son­nel but also her instal­la­tions for this.
MEGA GUARD SA have nation wide radio cov­er­age type A with reg­istry NO P.I.E. 06395 of National Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions and Post Com­mis­sion of Greece.
MEGA GUARD SA has been rewarded by the ICAP as one of Strongest com­pa­nys in Greece for three pos­sessed years (2010,2011 and 2012)
MEGA GUARD SA has been rewarded by the ICAP as one of Lead­ing employ­ers in Greece for two pos­sessed years (2011 and 2012)
MEGA GUARD SA has been rewarded by the FOR­TUNE Mag­a­zine as one of the more rapidly growth com­pa­nies in Greece
MEGA GUARD SA has been rewarded in March 2013, in spe­cial event in the Euro­pean Par­lia­ment, from inter­na­tional organ­ism EUROPE 500 and IESE BUSSINES SCHOOL as one of the most Top Growth Com­pany in a euro­pean level
MEGA GUARD SA has been rec­og­nized by the Min­istry of Ship­ping and the Aegean as a Rec­og­nized Secu­rity Orga­ni­za­tion ( RSO ) accord­ing to the ISPS Code
MEGA GUARD SA has spe­cial per­mis­sion from the Civil Avi­a­tion Author­ity ( CAA ) to pro­vide avi­a­tion secu­rity ser­vices for the Athens Inter­na­tional Air­port “El. Venize­los “and the largest air­ports in the coun­try, as defined in EKAPA